13 Actionable Steps to Increase Content Engagement for Marketers!



To help marketers increase content engagement, we’ve gathered thirteen insightful tips from industry leaders, including Marketing Managers and CEOs. From the initial step of adding free resources to blog posts to the final advice of understanding your audience for relevant content, these actionable steps will guide you toward achieving higher engagement rates.


  • Add Free Resources to Your Blog Posts
  • Create Value-Driven Content
  • Publish Consistently and Visually
  • Invest in Audience Research
  • Prioritize Audience Segmentation
  • Craft Quizzes, Polls, and Contests
  • Analyze Personal Content Engagement
  • Seek and Share User Reviews
  • Incorporate Real Examples and Facts
  • Utilize Storytelling in Content
  • Use Internal Linking 
  • Post at Optimal Times
  • Understand the Audience for Relevant Content


Add Free Resources to Your Blog Posts

We add free, high-quality resources like templates and ebooks to our blog posts. These resources increase content engagement because users are interested in learning from our expertise, but also want to address their specific challenges. Visitors can download these resources in exchange for their contact information, which helps us build our email list.


Within just a month, this lead magnet strategy resulted in 900 new email sign-ups, a 40% increase in impressions, and a 30% uptick in clicks.


Oksana Sydorchuk, Marketing Manager, Right People Group


Create Value-Driven Content

One actionable step to increase content engagement is to create content that provides real value and solves problems for your audience. When your content genuinely helps your audience, they are more likely to engage with it by liking, sharing, and commenting.


Khurram Mir, Founder and Chief Marketing Officer, Kualitee


Publish Consistently and Visually

The secret to boosting content engagement is a consistent posting of fresh, relevant, and visually appealing content. While many focus on SEO, they often miss the importance of connecting with the audience on a human level. Consistency doesn’t mean sacrificing quality; it means delivering relevant and timely content that meets the current needs of your audience.


Likewise, don’t underestimate the power of well-designed visual elements. While text-based content remains vital, incorporating visually stimulating graphics or videos can enhance understanding and retention, subsequently boosting engagement.


Roy Lam, CEO and Co-Founder, GeniusHub Digital Marketing


Invest in Audience Research

The most important actionable step marketers can take to increase content engagement is to prioritize and invest in audience research and understanding.


In today’s digital landscape, content is abundant, and competition for your audience’s attention is fierce. To stand out and create content that truly resonates, you must first deeply understand your target audience. This means going beyond basic demographic information and delving into their behaviors, preferences, pain points, and motivations.


By gaining insights into your audience’s interests and needs, you can create content that speaks directly to them. This tailored approach is more likely to capture their attention and keep them engaged.


Additionally, audience research allows you to identify the right channels and formats for your content. Whether it’s blog posts, videos, podcasts, or social media updates, knowing your audience’s preferences helps you deliver content where they’re most likely to consume it.


Bruno Gavino, Founder, CEO, CodeDesign


Prioritize Audience Segmentation

One actionable step marketers can take to increase content engagement is to prioritize audience research and segmentation. 


By thoroughly understanding your target audience’s preferences, pain points, and interests, you can tailor your content to resonate more effectively with them. This is because, in my opinion, personalization and relevance are key factors in driving higher engagement as they ensure that your content speaks directly to the needs and interests of your audience, making them more likely to interact with and share your content.


Faizan Khan, Public Relations and Content Marketing Specialist, Ubuy UK


Craft Quizzes, Polls, and Contests

To skyrocket engagement, let’s craft quizzes, polls, or exciting contests that resonate with our beloved book-enthusiast audience. Imagine hosting a quiz that guides participants to their next favorite read, or initiating a poll where fans vote for the most anticipated upcoming release. It’s not just fun; it’s about creating a dynamic space where engagement naturally blooms. 


This approach isn’t just playful; it’s a magnetic dance of engagement, drawing users into our content, sparking curiosity, and weaving a sense of community and connection. As they interact, our brand story unfolds, turning our platform into a lively digital hub where every book lover feels heard, seen, and valued.


Vikrant Shaurya, CEO, Authors On Mission


Analyze Personal Content Engagement

Step into the audience’s shoes. Use yourself as a research subject and analyze the types of content that you personally engage with. Write a list of the common themes. Was it funny? Did you save useful info for later? Was there a poll? Perhaps it was a competition? Was there a question you responded to? Did you continue commenting because a conversation got started? 


Then brainstorm how you can make those features apply to your or your client’s business. Apply these elements to research-proven content topics that the audience is actually interested in, and you’ll have a win-win content strategy!


Annelise Worn, Business and Marketing Strategist, Annelise Worn


Seek and Share User Reviews

Ask for reviews and share them! Regularly seeking and sharing user-generated content can lead to dramatic increases in time spent with your content. 


Online shopping has trained us all to look for reviews and ratings—your readers trust peer reviews and the social proof of seeing others engaging with your brand or product generates more engagement. Landing pages, product detail pages, and blog posts with reviews have higher engagement time.


Dan Ketterick, Growth Manager, FleetNow


Incorporate Real Examples and Facts

Add real examples to your content. People like stories and facts they can understand easily. When you share true stories and use real numbers in your content, people believe it more. 


Charts or pictures can help make difficult ideas simpler. Think about what your readers want. If they see stories they can connect with and clear facts, they will enjoy and trust your content more.


Matias Rodsevich, Founder, PRHive


Utilize Storytelling in Content

Storytelling is a powerful tool in content marketing. It connects with audiences on a deeper level by making content relatable and engaging. When you weave narratives into your content, you create a human connection. Stories can evoke emotions, whether they are empathy, excitement, or inspiration. 


By sharing experiences, anecdotes, or customer success stories, you provide context and relatability to your content. This captures your audience’s attention and keeps them invested in your message. Whether you’re telling the story of your brand’s journey, a customer’s transformation, or a problem-solving adventure, narratives are a compelling way to draw readers in and make your content memorable.


Sacha Ferrandi, Founder and Principal, Source Capital


Use Internal Linking

Look at how you can utilize internal linking across content clusters. If you have content that is semantically relevant, then keep your audience engaged with related content via internal links (which they’re already very likely to read/respond positively to).


Wendy Makinson, HR Manager, Joloda Hydraroll


Post at Optimal Times

One actionable step marketers can take to increase content engagement is to use data to determine the best time to post their content. By analyzing their target audience’s behavior and preferences, marketers can determine when their audience is most likely to engage with their content.


Matthew Ramirez, Founder, USMLE Test Prep


Understand the Audience for Relevant Content

One actionable step marketers can take to increase content engagement is to prioritize audience research and understanding. 


By gaining deep insights into their target audience’s preferences, pain points, and interests, marketers can create highly relevant and valuable content that resonates with their audience. This not only boosts engagement but also fosters stronger connections and brand loyalty. 


Additionally, using data and analytics to track content performance and adjust strategies accordingly can help ensure that content continues to engage and provide value over time.


Jon James, CEO, Ignited Results


MUSKLY is an award-winning creative content marketing & SEO-centric TECH DigitalPR agency; helping software companies & SaaS brands generate more LEADS & SALES by CRISPY copywriting, premium link building, and content creation.

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